Suite Music Studios is a traveling music studio that offers a Musical Education to Adults & Children and Corporate Employees on Site. Music lessons, workshops and classes are presented through an experiential curriculum.
Music Lessons:
- Reduce stress and lower blood pressure
- Increase productivity because you learn how to use both sides of your brain in harmony
- Musicians are able to visualize elements that fit together (puzzles/math)
- Learn organizational skills through practice
- Become more empathetic and compassionate through understanding diverse cultures
- Learn the value of sustained effort (through independent & group practice) to achieve excellence which enhances teamwork & self-discipline
- Focus on ‘doing’/experiential (no lectures!)
- Performance-based art: teaches how to take risks and conquer fears
- Multidimensional: flexible; cooperative; better communicators (musicians talk to each other about learning pieces in different ways and with various techniques; they must be willing to try others’ ideas if theirs don’t bring the desired results)